A tutor is smiling as she works with a group of Year 6 pupils on reading

Episode 6: From teacher to tutor


  • Time to read: 3 minutes

In this episode, we chat with qualified teachers Lola Albarn and Cailum Finnegan about their experiences of becoming tutors with Tutor Trust. 


Lola and Cailum share why they made the decision to move into tutoring, and how their Qualified Teacher Status has been a valuable asset in their new careers.

Our latest Tutorcast episodes

Tune in on Spotify and read a deep dive of each episode.
Itinerary and programme of the University of Manchester Local Matters conference

Episode 14: Local Matters: Poverty and Place wrap-up

This episode reflects on the groundbreaking ‘Local Matters’ research project in partnership with the University of Manchester's Education department. Styled Poverty and Place at the Tutor Trust we look at it's impact on the organisation.