Mike Fitzpatrick currently works in Initial Teacher Training at the University of Manchester on the PGCE Secondary Course. Liaising with partner schools and colleges, he oversees recruitment and selection and delivers sessions on classroom skills, behaviour management and voice coaching. He writes and researches in the areas of spiritual, moral, social and cultural judgements for Ofsted and the Arts in Education.

A graduate of the University of Manchester, he gained an MA from Loughborough University specialising in curriculum innovation, leadership and management of schools and drama in education. With extensive teaching experience, Mike worked in three high schools in two local authorities in Lancashire and Manchester. He held posts as subject leader, head of faculty, senior teacher and most recently deputy head in a large high school with responsibility for staff development, teaching and learning, NQT induction and middle management coaching. As a member of the Drama Board (ADB) and visiting examiner, he contributed to the development of assessment and testing at GCSE and A Level Theatre Studies.

Mike is passionate about the Tutor Trust: "It fulfils a number of key issues in education; to facilitate intervention, boost progress, alleviate disadvantage and expand aspirations. It helps realise a key objective of The University; to promote social responsibility, delivered by our own undergraduates to the pupils of our partner schools. Tutors themselves will discover skills and abilities which may well lead to a future career in education."