A tutor shows a group of pupils a page on a website relevant to their work

Promising news for the future of tutoring

Permanent and widespread access to tuition has been part of the agenda at the Liberal Democrats’ Annual Conference this weekend. 


  • Time to read: 5 minutes

In July this year we, along with our sister organisations,  launched ‘The Future of Tutoring’ report which laid out recommendations for ensuring fair access to tuition for all young people when the National Tuition Programme comes to an end – not just those who are able to pay for private tuition.  We called on the next government to offer a Tutoring Guarantee, for all young people in receipt of Pupil Premium who need extra support in Maths and English to be offered high-quality tuition to help close the attainment gap.

That’s why we’re delighted to hear that permanent and widespread access to tuition has been part of the agenda at the Liberal Democrats’ Annual Conference this weekend. Lib Dem education spokesperson Munira Wilson has proposed a £390m annual investment for schools, sixth forms and colleges to provide 12-week tuition programmes to 1.75m children.

Liberal Democrats will invest in our young people to transform their education. Tutoring will no longer be something that only an elite few can afford."
Munira Wilson, Liberal Democrat education spokesperson

A tutor writes while a pupil looks on. A second pupils is busy writing.

Since launching in 2011, we have seen through our Randomised Control Trials and continued measurement of impact, that young people who are eligible for Free School Meals or those with low prior attainment gain the most from our tuition. As well as improving attainment, they report that it improves their overall confidence and that they genuinely enjoy the sessions. Parents surveyed for the report also said that tutoring supported their children’s mental health and reduced anxiety. The recent State of the Nation 2023: People and Places report also highlighted access to high-quality education as a key driver in improving social mobility outcomes.

We welcome wholeheartedly this pledge from the Liberal Democrats to continue to invest in providing access to high-quality tutoring to those young people who need it most.

"Although we are back to ‘normal’ following the pandemic, its effects, along with the cost-of-living crisis, mean that less advantaged young people are still being impacted most, particularly in the North of England. As we’ve seen in recent news reports, absence and suspension rates are higher among these young people while social mobility outcomes are fewer.

"The only way to maximise the opportunities for young people in the current climate is through a long-term commitment to prioritising their education. Only then will we be in a position to ensure that there is equity in education for all young people, regardless of their background or postcode.”
Ed Marsh, Chief Executive, Tutor Trust

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