
Find out the latest from Tutor Trust below.

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A tutor and a pupil prepare to fire a bow and arrow during a fun activity at an Easter Club

Maths, Archery, Inequity and Easter

Our CEO Ed Marsh reflects on the importance of the work of Tutor Trust, inspired by visiting some of our Easter Clubs in the holidays.

A tutor is smiling as she works with a group of Year 6 pupils on reading

Episode 6: From teacher to tutor

We chat with qualified teachers Lola Albarn and Cailum Finnegan about their experiences of becoming tutors with Tutor Trust. Lola and Cailum share why they made the decision to move into tutoring, and how their Qualified Teacher Status has been a valuable asset in their new careers.

Pupils are enthusiastically leaning in to see the tutor's work.

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